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Through the Of The Month (OTM) program, you can show your support for fellow residents, advisors, community members, RA's, faculty/staff, and ARH Executive Board members. OTMs are a quick and easy, but meaningful way of giving recognition to people who are doing great things on your campus.

Submission Deadlines

OTM's must be submitted by 11:59pm on the 5th of following month. For example, for programs that occurred in September, OTM submissions are due Oct. 5th by 11:59pm.


Nominations should be submitted through the OTM nomination form. Write about what the nominee did during the month of nomination that made him/her/them so great. What did he/she/they do that was out of the ordinary or above and beyond? For programs, tell us why it was outstanding and important to your campus. Be detailed and specific.

Tips for Writing

  • Keep in mind that these nominations may become a resource and a guide for leaders on other campuses so be detailed!
  • In order to get your point across,your nomination should be at least 1 page or more. With anything less, the judges won’t be able to get a feel for the greatness of your nominee!
  • Define all acronyms.
  • Only include month specific information.
  • Make sure your nomination will make sense to a person who is not involved nor attends Illinois State University.


On the ISU campus, the ARH executive board decides who wins for the month.

At the regional level, the Great Lake Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls (GLACURH) OTM selection committee, comprise of students from around the region will select the winners.

At the national level, the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) executive board selects the winners.


When voting has been completed, a list of winners will be sent via email. Certificates for each winner will be given to the school’s National Communications Coordinator (NCC) Illinois Communications Coordinator (ICC). Each student/program nominated will receive a nomination certificate from the ARH as well.